GIS Taiwan: Ten Inspiring Youths

Shan Hsu
2 min readJun 11, 2018


I love this first edition of my copy too much to let it be edited away (was criticized as too flamboyant), so thought that I would preserve the original copy here :)

GIS Taiwan is proud to announce that, as 2018 approaches, we stride purposely with our back straight and our head high into our tenth year. Standing at a historical point where we relish in the past and hold our arms out for the future, we would like to think that, as we continue to grow in the past decade, we are bringing GIS Taiwan closer to the younger generation, and at the same time, strengthening our core values — innovation, diversification, and inclusiveness.

For our Ten Inspiring Youths event, we invite prominent youngsters from various fields — including business, technology, art, medicine, biology, agriculture and more — along with opinion leaders around the globe, distinguished speakers from our previous conferences, and other highly influential speakers to join our symposium.

Inspired by Steve Job’s theory in which human’s attention span is no more than 18 minutes, during the first part of the event, speakers would give a 15-minute talk, drawing on their personal experiences to give us a clear picture of how young adults shall adapt and parting their own boulevard for themselves in the Red Sea that is today’s ever-changing world. Meanwhile, the second part of the event brings delegates and speakers close together, creating a relaxing yet stimulating atmosphere in the form of a tea party. Amid beverages and hors d’oeuvres, brilliant minds have a great opportunity to clash, allowing sparks of ingeniousness to bounce off surrounding walls.

While we at GIS Taiwan strives to provide our delegates the best international experience and communicating platform, it is you — our fellow eminent delegates — that spice up this symposium infinitely.

If you are curious as to what GIS Taiwan (Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan) is about, feel free to check out our website, or you could contact me on Facebook, Intagram, or just any kind of social media!

GIS Taiwan:



Shan Hsu

BBA Slashie - specialist for international, bilateral events/ former BD in films/ translator/ tutor/ photographer/ Spanish not-really speaker/ life grinder